Saturday, October 17, 2009


Image and reputation are critical to any organisation if it is to meaningfully carry out its operations and achieve its goals.
ZIMSEC, Zimbabwe's school examination board is a case point. The organisation has been dogged by crisis after crisis. One can say this is a result of failing to focus on the concerns of its publics and fostering good reputation by delivering what is espoused in its mission statement. Most people no longer want to be asssociated with Zimsec because of examination leakage scandals, candidates getting results for exams they would not have sat for, missing results, delays in releasing results and poor labour relations characterised by strikes by exam markers as well as full time employees.
So what does it mean for ZIMSEC? The organisation has lost all credibility, it is now perceived negatively, nobody wants to be associated with it. Its certificates are no longer recognised internationally. Candidates now opt for the Cambridge exam inspite of it being expensive. ZIMSEC needs restore the lost trust through renewing its commitment to quality and actively seeking from publics and being responsive to their concerns.
The organisation's PR department has work overtime to come up with a meaningful campaign, not just a cosmetic one, aimed at regaining the trust of the various publics. Effective public relations that tells the company's story in an honest and accurate way,is what is needed to establish a reputation for credibility. It will also need to play the role of advocate within the organisation i.e. bringing public perspective to the organisation. In that way the organisation's ability to respond to public concerns will be fostered. Failure to do so will ceratainly threaten the survival of ZIMSEC.

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