Friday, October 30, 2009


In public relations the journalist and the PR practitioner both need each other to do their jobs effectively. The PR person needs the media to gain exposure for the company while the journalist views the PR person as a news source . How does the PR person handle sensitive or pertinent issues asked by journalists?

Silence and 'no comment' are some of the responses that have been made in light of media inquiries. Such responses negatively affect media relations which should be based on mutual respect and trust. Deflecting questions from the media will not kill a negative story or make the crisis disappear. Journalists will not stop pursuing a story because the organisation has refused to comment. This fuels speculation and the public will immediately think the organisation has something to hide and therefore guilty. The best approach is to positively respond so that the organisation's story is heard from the company instead of from other sources which might present the company negatively.

The 'no comment' response by the Headmistress of Eveline High School over a front page Sunday News story where she is alleged to have stripped and canned some A-Level students left her and the school open to suspicion. Her response was viewed as some sort of admission of guilt and that she had something to hide.

One may ask 'could she have handled it better?'
Yes she could. If her employment terms do not allow her to talk to the media, she could have explained this courteously and then referred the reporter to the Provincial Education officer who has authority to talk to the media. However, her silence and negative attitude have affected public perception of her as a leader and the school as well. She came out as an arrogant person who had a lot to hide.

It is therefore, important to note that when dealing with the media silence and 'no comment' do not necessarily mean that one is not communicating. Infact the reverse is true and has adverse effects.

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