Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Government institutions at the moment are currently cash strapped as they are not receiving adequate voted funds to maintain their infrastructure and continue their everyday operations. This has resulted in the dilapidated state that characterises most institutions. Even now the government has not yet raised enough funds to repair the damaged infrastructure. It is therefore up to the institutions to see what they can do to profitably and sustainably support themselves.

For years UCE has appealed to relevant authorities to secure vehicles for the college but nothing has been forthcoming. However, the college decided to take it upon itself to do something positive and began hiring out its facilities for church conferences, weddings, as well as for ZIMSEC marking sessions.

From funds raised from these activities, the institution has bought a brand new double cab vehicle for the principal, a single cab truck will be bought by the end of the month, a new deep freezer was bought for the kitchen as well as five computers and seven printers. This is a big achievement for the college considering that all this was done in ten months.

This goes to show that government institutions can do tangible and positive things without necessarily waiting for handouts from government.

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